I've always been pretty proud of this--I treated myself to lessons one year for my birthday shortly after I got married. It was the one craft I couldn't "get" just by reading instructions out of a book. I never did anything more ambitious than a handful of bookmarks and ornaments for relatives. I haven't tatted since before my kids were born, so I didn't get those tatted booties made for them like I intended. And the baby is almost one, so she won't get them either. :(
So, I'm determined to include some tatted edging in a dress or two for Sadie.
I would gladly take any suggestions from any of you dear readers who occasionally drive-by this blog. Do any good projects come to mind? Particular dress patterns? Edging pictures or patterns that you have seen?
A couple of things I'm thinking of: an Angel-sleeve Bishop, and a Dedication gown. The Dedication Dress presents a couple of challenges: It doesn't have to be a formal gown, because Sadie will be over a year old. But it does have to be completed in a couple of months, because the church where we were married and where my son was dedicated will be closing at the end of June. I'd like to do something with some tatted edging and some embroidery. Ecru on white? White on white? Some pink? (remember, it doesn't have to be formal) Insertion or just edging? Oh, and keep in mind I still haven't sewn anything with a sleeve!!
Hey! Found you after you posted on Stardustshoes. I tat, too. For Precious Sadie, unless you're a sadist, I'd highlight the tatting, not make it the whole focus of her gown. Edging is great, simple and elegant. Place a thick one at the edge of the slip so it shows, then around the collar and sleeves. Instead of the shadow work, how about a nice tatted motif instead? Oh, and what about a handkerchief bonnet with tatting on the edging, too? Whatever you choose, it's going to be special because you made it for your little girl.
Hi Liz--just saw your profile. How funny that we described ourselves so similarly!!
I've started on the edging--though it may only make it around the sleeves and neck. The hemline is probably too ambitious!
My grandmother taught me to tat with a shuttle when I was a little girl. I have NO idea if I could remember how though. I did pick up a book on needletatting years ago...and never got farther than that, LOL! Your tatting looks lovely.
Old Fashion Baby patterns come to mind for simple designs that would really look beautiful with tatting (and I like her instructions too, very thorough.)
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